US Democracy a Tool used by Israel to enslave Americans
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If you have a great love for America & American freedom & liberty; here is your ultimate eye-opener. America is not a free country. America is enslaved by Israel. 9/11 was imposed on Americans by Mossad to convince them that Islam is their enemy. And why did Mossad need to convince Americans? Because Israel needed a trained army much bigger than its own to neutralize all of its possible threats in the Middle East & because Israel felt too small to accommodate its people. It needed more space, more resources, more oil, more control AND more everything. All at the cost of American lives. Thousands of Americans have been killed in a war created by Israel to expand its territories & ambitions. Controlled demolition of the 3 buildings was all planned & it is NOW scientifically proven. The airplanes could not demolish these steel towers. OBL was a stage actor of Israel & its allies. He abused Islam's principles of humanity & peace AND created his own religion that promoted hate so as to build a vicious cycle that was meant to imbibe those who hated. Rest is all history. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Talibans & so on. The weapons & vehicles used by all extremist factions are made in USA supplied by the military contractors to all sides of the war. These contractors work for the Rothschilds that make profit out of war. People are dying. Good people. In USA, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya, in Syria, in Yemen, in Pakistan to make Israel stronger & more prosperous. Thousands of honorable US soldiers have given up their lives under the assumption that this is a war against terrorism. They were sent to fight a war & kill mercenaries trained by no one else but their own ally Israel. The most shocking part is that all of this was done under the flag of US democracy. Americans accepted this war as their war allowing the genocide of their own soldiers & their own kids out of fear of a monster that didn't even exist. This is why democracy is a failed system. It failed the Roman Empire. Now, it has been failing USA for the last few decades. We have a long queue of disabled US army veterans coming back home to fight poverty. This screwed up democracy sent these soldiers to fight Israel's Holy crusade against Islam & does not even allow them adequate pension or health access on their return home. The system of USA governance is designed to serve just 1 entity. Israel. Elections are funded heavily by corporate tycoons that want this state of slavery continued. An average American too tired & helpless to make the ends meet has no time for politics. He wakes up, goes to his work, works, comes home, pays his bills & goes back to work. His capacity to think beyond is frozen by debts, bills, lack of healthcare etc. etc. etc.
A country so innovative in technology & healthcare is struggling at its core thanks to an extremely flawed system of governance called democracy. This system has not been improvised as much as technology or healthcare has been. It is allowing Russians to infiltrate elections. It lets money buy its Congressmen. It makes a market out of everything & everyone including the freedom & liberty it so proudly boasts to have. From capitalist holidays to elections to media to education to prisons to army to FREEDOM; we have a train wreck here.
Democracy sounds very idealistic but in practice, idealistic cannot always materialize. You rely on your dreams but your dreams become nightmares. Democracy of USA is a nightmare now because it is responsible for killing so many Americans since 9/11. It allowed Israel to abuse American army, American freedom, American politicians for itself AND not for the people of America.
What Americans must do right away is to break free from a failed system that has allowed this massacre of their own citizens. The system must be changed & over-ruled by humanity so that no more innocent American lives are lost anymore. All executive orders & decisions must be determined by a code of humanity that is written by no one else but people of USA themselves.
Do not lie.
Do not kill innocent people.
Do not rob others.
Do not destroy civilizations.
Do not capitalize happiness.
Do not make education a profit making business.
Simple rules that do not need lawyers or judges or congressmen to write them.
They just need HUMANS with a heart & a conscience to write them.
And there are still a lot of humans in United States of America.
Dr F Bukhari, MD