WW1, WW2 & War against Terrorism are all Holy Crusades for Rothschild's war profits
Courtesy You Tube Copyrights
Those who have doubts that world is beyond the era of Holy Wars must watch this. Rothschild admits openly that zionist religion-based campaign drove the world into WW1 & WW2 & then the war against terrorism. Rothschild ancestors have been campaigning for establishment & sustainability of Israel for more than a century now pushing the world into 3 wars for profit all while creating a religious crusade for the vulnerable religious zealots using extremism to their advantage. We have 3 wars creating mass global destruction creating a nuclear rat race, innovating WMDs, European migration crisis, Yemen famine, Gaza genocide, Kashmir apartheid & Myanmar atrocities not to mention Iraq crisis, Afghanistan turmoil, Libyan invasion & the Syrian mess. A crusade designed for buyers of crusade to make weapon industry richer & to dehumanize the world of muslims considered equivalent to cockroaches by the elite. A mass extermination scheme by the powerful & the wealthy to create a Zionist or KKK or ISIS driven herd of extremist actors willing to kill millions if needed in way of their ambition. All while the Rothschilds make war profits.
Dr F Bukhari, MD