Its ok to kill Rohingya babies because we need some gas

Approximately 3000 Rohingyas have been killed by the Burma military out of retaliation to attacks on Burma army by the Rohingyas insurgents. This action has been supported by India & China because both share strong strategic partnership with Burma in addition to sharing a border. Both import gas from the Rakhine province via expensive pipelines. George Soros has been very much implicated in this violence due to his own vested corporate interests for delivering uncle Sam's agenda of "divide & rule". This is very much one of the darkest times of world history. Why? Because global leaders including Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi & Donald Trump have failed humanity. Profit & Capitalism now takes priority over human life. Civilians are being subjected to extreme torture & forced to escape from their houses all while the world leaders fail to respond as humans to this calamity. China, India & USA have together shown us how dangerous this world has become now. Because a gas pipeline is enough for countries to give up their conscience & justify the use of atrocities on mankind. If I can comprehend correctly, Rohingyas have been collectively ripped off their right to live in this world as per the action of the leaders of China, India & USA. So, who could protect them? Who could give the Rohingyas the right to exist as humans like anyone else? Who could defend them not just politically & diplomatically but with tools of self-defense as well? Rakhine is now a gold mine & in the rat race to control this gold mine, all global leaders are willing to lick the shoes of Au San Suu Kyi. So, who will take the precedent to defy her ROYAL highness & give Rohingyas their right of existence like other humans? We have a world of billions of people. We have mastered in technology & science but our standards of humanity are regressing back to stone age every minute. What we saw in the last 2 weeks is a manifesto of what our world stands for today. We are unfortunately converted into iPhone/Samsung addicted zombies. Our heartlessness is brewing genocides like the Rohingyas. People are losing the drive to tolerate others or accept each others' differences. Charlottesville is a classic example of how the most civilized nations are now resorting to ancient customs of prejudice & hate on the basis of color, religion & ethnicity. Xi, Modi & Trump have unfortunately shown all humanity that "might is always right". This technically means that all diplomatic avenues for mediation are now closed. This also means that if Rohingyas are officially allowed to be persecuted by most global leaders, they are very much entitled to acts of self-defense. Because if self-defense is an act of glory for USA, China or India then why is it an act of terror for civilians just because they belong to a certain ethnicity or religion. Israel has been arming Burma military despite its track record of human rights violations. Israel is also the biggest military partner of India. I won't be surprised to see "made in India" label on arms carried by those who are currently beheading Rohingya children. India itself has a track record of Amnesty & HRW certified war crimes in Kashmir. What baffles me is China's willingness to pat the Burmese on their acts of terror & oppression against the Rohingyas. This is not the China we as Pakistanis are accustomed to. We call Chinese our brothers of all weathers having strong military & business partnership. We cannot visualize a China that is patronizing the slaughter of our muslim brothers in Burma. Pakistan has to talk to China & convince Xi Jinping to change his directive that is actually encouraging Burma to commit more war crimes in Rakhine. We are a nation that chose to get involved in the war of Afghanistan out of love of our Afghan brothers. We are also a country that chooses not to acknowledge Israel as a country out of love for our Palestinian brothers. We are a country that has not given up the right of self-determination of our Kashmiri brothers. We are a proud nation that sends the most soldiers to any peace-keeping mission of United Nations in some of the most dangerous conflicts of the world. We have slammed Bush for invading Iraq in the after-math of 9/11 when he killed millions of innocent Iraqi civilians. Why would China take this for granted that we will give up on the Rohingya muslims out of our love for China? Because 207 million Pakistanis stand united with the 400,000 Rohingya muslims today in their fight for their basic human right to exist on Earth like everyone else.
             We as a world are moving towards a greener Earth where gas & oil will no longer be needed to extract energy. We will be seeing a boom of clean energy in the next decade when fossils & hydrocarbons will become obsolete. So, if Americans & Chinese are willing to brush their conscience aside for the sake of some gas pipelines, they must know that their attempts to shake hands with the devil for the sake of some gas will bring them no fruit in the next decade. On the contrary, what they would have to deal with is a history riddled with their support of war crimes in Burma against the Rohingyas. It was Mao who said that "the people, and the people alone are the motive force in the making of world history". What kind of a history will Xi & Trump leave behind on the skeletons of the Rohingya civilians who were lynched by the Burmese army?
Dr Fariya Bukhari, MD

Dr F Bukhari, MD is a writer/poet/activist/politician/physician/scientist/philanthropist/producer/journalist/defense analyst & strategist. She is interested in politics, peace, innovation, and volunteering. She is working for education, liberation & empowerment of the under-privileged. She is also involved in politics trying to bring a palpable change at Pakistan's political level that ensures protection of masses against human rights violations, injustice, corruption & terrorism. 

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