Once is a mistake. Second time is a Blunder. Third time it is Extinction.
We are going through historic moments is the under-statement of a century. What transpired in WW1, WW2 & war against terrorism over years is hitting us all within weeks. More than 250,000 people are dead. People who had names, addresses, families, relations, contributions.....Doctors, engineers, analysts, nurses, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandpas.....Gone. All gone due to ONE element. A Virus!
If I wrote my very true intuition here today, I will candidly disclose to you that this VIRUS could not have happened without complete co-operation of some major players in global dynamics. I am talking about global leaders, organisations, journalists & scientists. We live in a world of satellites. Everything has been watched 24/7 everywhere on Earth. Our laptops' cameras are used to commit our surveillance. There is nothing "classified" anymore. Anything can be hacked even Artificial Intelligence. So when Trump comes & says he had no idea this could be so big or Xi seems totally taken aback or Putin remains perplexed or European Union leaders act like 5th graders when confronted with COVID19, I just keep on wondering......Seriously?
All of you are telling me that none of your satellites or mass surveillance systems or cybersecurity operatives could catch this virus in time?
Even the medieval ages' leaders did a better job than any of the leaders today when plague hit the globe.
Fact that there are unconstitutional biological labs working all over the world by Israel in collaboration with US & Germany is not a hidden fact. Ukraine & Georgia have many undisclosed labs of Pentagon working on lethal WMDs. China knowing about these labs started its own P4 Wuhan biological research in response. Due to escalation of conflict between US & China in South China Sea over OBOR's legitimacy, China decided to launch its own response to undocumented bio-weapons of Israel & US. Wuhan P4 lab has been producing research data for years with its scientists publishing this data in collaboration with leading health organisations. They have been working on Coronavirus for a while. But, so has been the Ft Detrick lab till August 2019 when CDC shut it down due to poor compliance with bio-safety protocols. Even IIBR (Israeli Institute of Biological Research) has been working on Coronavirus. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been funding institutions working on researching this virus independently as well. This is in spite of the fact that Biological & Toxin Convention agreement has been signed by all except Israel.
The point I am trying to make over here is simple. Weapons of Mass destruction have been produced by all major super-wealthy nations for years covertly despite public denouncement. So, it was only a matter of time that something like COVID19 happened & hit the globe like it has recently.
Nobel Prize winning scientist Luc Montagnier has already proven that COVID19 is a viral Chimera made from inclusion of 3 different viral antigens including HIV. This is probably why HAART is already showing promising results in clinical studies for treatment of COVID19.
Now that we know it is a man-made viral chimera, question is how to ensure it is stopped permanently. Can we again depend on lying politicians for this? No. There are more than 250,000 of us dead & all we can get out of Trump & Xi is a war of words. South China Sea is about to erupt as both flex their muscles advancing their lethal warships. India cashing onto Trump's Sino-phobia is all prepared to sacrifice its 1 billion people in the Indo-Pacific due to tunnel vision of fanatics ruling Delhi nowadays.
Afghanistan remains volatile with active hostilities exchanged between Trump & the Talibans. Iran is another war ready to break out any moment as Rouhani enters the race of space weapons. Hezbollah just got cracked down by Germans working under direct orders from the White house.
If you think a virus made this world less volatile neutralising these hyper-androgenic leaders, you are wrong. This virus was just a tool to push everyone to his/her brink of insanity. If I had to pick one man out of all of Trump regime responsible for current crisis, it would be Pompeo. I think Dems realise this as well so does CIA that has been under his management in the past. There are very big loopholes in the story put forward by Pompeo.
1. US Intelligence agency warned Trump plus IDF plus NATO in late November about COVID19 outbreak. This is a very important piece of information. Because at this time in history, even China didn't disclose to the world what was happening. So US intelligence had information before even China did? There are only 2 ways this could happen. a) US intelligence did the leak of virus itself & told everyone it cared for to prevent damage b) US intelligence found from a reliable? resource that Virus is being released in Nov in Wuhan.
Per my research, I choose the option (b). Looking at the number of Americans killed from Coronavirus, I doubt that CIA/Pentagon could do something so deadly to their own people. Most likely CIA found this in November that the virus has been leaked out of Wuhan P4 lab & its a matter of time before it hits US as well. Most important question to ask is that who gave this info to CIA? Because whoever gave it could be the one responsible for committing this deadly release from Wuhan P4. I suspect RAW that has an independent cell in the Pentagon & that is playing a significant role in all US operations in Afghanistan &
Indo-Pacific zone. India has the most to benefit if war breaks out between China & US. Because India knows that it cannot neutralise Pakistan till China is defeated. Since India is not as strong as China is, it is using US as a bait to ensure its Akhand Bharat Hindutiva plan is fulfilled. You have to understand the psychology we are dealing with here. RSS has been terrorising non-Hindus of India not just Kashmiris of Kashmir for years now. They are acting like the ISIS/al-Qaeda who could commit bio-terrorism against the whole world if needed to achieve its hegemonic agenda. As the world started to realise the radical extremism of RSS with India erupting in volcanic protests over CAA, fanatics like Modi had the most to gain from a viral outbreak.
2. Ft. Detrick Lab was shut down in Maryland in August 2019 by CDC. A peculiar Pneumonia-like illness spread in the aftermath killing Americans who post-humously tested positive for COVID19 per CDC surveillance data confirmed by Dr Redfield in the House committee. All strains of COVID19 are present in US & only a few in China. Patient zero could have been in US not China. There is a very strong probability that virus was leaked in US first by Israel (working in alliance with India) leading to abrupt shutdown of Ft Detrick lab for containment as soon as CDC found out. Pentagon would have realised that before this leaked out to the public, it would be better to plant the source of infection as China not US. Here is the point 1 that comes under discussion. Did the US intelligence do a cover-up in Nov or did they play under intel from RAW? That has to be figured out.
Now coming to what must be done today to stop this virus or any future viruses like this.
If leak of this viral chimera could happen now, it could happen in the future as well. Immediate emergent response of all global leaders must be to activate strong algorithms of monitoring & surveillance of all such biological labs under an independent agency that is not affiliated with the very corrupt United Nations. I will have to write a separate piece on devious & covert role of UN in the current mess the world is in. So, any future decision making must be made by the people not by the corrupt agencies like UN.
In terms of treatment options, vaccine has been highly recommended against due to recent data to support DNA-integration technology to be abused by GAVI/WHO to tag billions of people under the disguise of this virus. Scientifically, many leading virologists are suggesting that since mortality is already happening due to a hyper-immune response entailing a cytokine storm, injecting vaccines could precipitate worsened mortality if vaccine recipient gets exposed to COVID19. Focus must be on early detection & initiation of treatment with anti-viral antibiotics. Aim must be to lower mortality. This can be achieved by protecting the most vulnerable populations like the Nursing Home residents/ immunocompromised people/ under-privileged. This can also be achieved by launching early outpatient management of disease bringing hospitalisations to minimal possible to prevent recurrence of healthcare crash.
As far as Lockdowns, contact tracing apps & Immunity passports are concerned....these are all controversial measures now proving to be more political & draconian than therapeutic or even preventive. This is per analysis of leading virologists & epidemiologists of the world.
Once is a mistake. Twice is a blunder. Third time it is Extinction.
We made a mistake by ignoring the notorious covert biological research programs of various nations. We made a blunder by letting corrupt politicians & agencies like WHO/CDC run the entire show since the commencement of current crisis leading to rapid dissemination of disease to level of a pandemic, If we make another blunder allowing such dangerous viruses to remain out of control in undercover biological labs, we will all be extinct soon.