Waiting for the world to save Kashmir
We can go to war for Kashmir like we have many times in the past. We can talk about Kashmir day & night. We can brood over it. We can sulk over it. We can obsess over it. But this one fact will remain unchanged that the world is not interested in saving Kashmir for us even when it has needed us the most. After bleeding ourselves to near-extintion in war against terrorism, Pakistan remains spent & abused by the treacherous G7s controlling all major international regulatory platforms. Silence of IAEA over India's illicit uranium smuggling proves G7s complete involvement in this unconstitutional smuggling. There is no other explanation to justify their inaction. They know why this uranium is being smuggled. They know who is the recipient of this smuggled uranium. They know it & they are very much part of it. Just like they have been playing oblivious to the undercover narco trade from Afghanistan to rest of the world that technically drowned their own kids in a flood of a deadly opium addiction. This time as well their silence over proven uranium smuggling from India will one day result into a nuke that will land in their own backyard or front yard or kitchen. By that time it will be too late to recall who did what & why & who didn't bother. It will be too late for humanity. Maybe it is already too late.
Saving Afghanistan from their malicious vice was step 1. But didn't we do so in 1996 as well. Did that help us liberate Kashmir? While we were on the verge of declaring victory in Kargil after fighting the toughest battle ever-our own politicians sold us to G7s converting this hard-sought victory into a defeat. Ever wonder how the G7s always get their way even when we are the ones winning all the battles haemorrhaging & losing our precious lives in wars after wars. The irony is that in these wars while Kashmir remains under a brutal siege-G7s manage to walk away with the best of everything.
Pakistan made USA the superpower under Reagan & walked away with a nuclear bomb in this war. But, making US a super power was followed by a deadly era of destabilised region with a palpable power vacuum that thrived warmongering extremist factions. These factions were again abused by the deep state to plant their 9/11 as a prequel to invade the rich oil fields of Iraq, Syria & Libya not to mention to make trillions from the poppy fields of Afghanistan. So while Pakistan haemorrhaged from the residual after effects of a post-USSR Afghanistan all the way to the post 9/11 Afghanistan for almost 40 years hosting millions of Afghan refugees on its own tab losing $500 billion in economy & >100,000 in human life- G7s made trillions in a fortune from selling arms, trading heroin & becoming owners of vast fields of oil of Middle East.
How convenient! While Pakistanis can't stop admiring our officials' intellect who made policies & orchestrated them in the interim, I am not so sure. I think one of the biggest reasons why Pakistan remains in a negative balance after 40 years of war & why Kashmir is worse than before is because of our denial to accept our blunders. I saw General Hamid Gul declared as a victor against USSR in Afghanistan but the same glorious General was rendered as a villain by the deep-state-owned US media even though it was his victory against USSR that made US a super power. Ironically his political leverage was deliberately reduced to just talk shows & speeches. Benazir was asked to demote him & leave him in a position where he could only express himself but not do anything about key policies. He was admired by everyone as a hero but brutally kicked out of the policy-carving process of Pakistan. For those who believe he was part of the establishment through out his life-you have got to be kidding me. He actually became a thorn in the feet of the establishment trying to continuously convince his peers to revert to Pakistan-based policies that support Pakistan's vested interests over those of G7s & their latest mistress in Delhi.
Biggest betrayal by G7s happened when the Mumbai attack was orchestrated as an inside job as per investigative journalism of Davidsson Elias & instead of dumping their new mistress-G7s used this false flag attack to further harass Pakistan. As if the amount of trauma from G7s continuous bickering was not enough for a massacre that Pakistan never condoned or conducted-G7s under Obama invaded Pakistan's airspace to extract? OBL just before Obama was to re-campaign in Elections 2012 against the odds of his losing popularity. This is all while Pakistan had nothing to do with 9/11 & was US’s biggest ally in the post-9/11 era. No one saw the body of OBL. Navy Seals who extracted him are nowhere to be seen. Its another enigma of deep state that will one day get busted when another Assange-like journalist chooses to blow the whistle. So from the Mumbai drama to OBL drama Pakistan was brutally harassed by G7s & their Delhi mistress. In the interim, Pakistan was forced to give airspace & land route to G7s for their continuous occupation of Afghanistan.
While Pakistan kept on giving G7s airspace, land route; G7s’ mistress-facilitated proxies kept on haemorrhaging it. The G7s kept on slandering Pakistan to the point where it was very close to being black-listed on FATF losing its GSP+ status not to mention also losing its voice in their G7s white men club as their Indian Daesh aka Modi et al annexed Srinagar on 5th August 2019 with 100% immunity from these white supremacists. Srinagar fell on 5th August 2019 while the G7s choked Pakistan to the point of giving up its freedom struggle in Kashmir leaving the Kashmiris helpless & deserted.
But this is not where this stops. Afghanistan became an increasingly-traumatic source of proxies for Pakistan that lost hundreds of young soldiers to US-NATO-India-Ghani’s funded TTP. While TTP was attacking FC soldiers of Pakistan unabated, G7s kept on narrating tales of Haqqani networks with a “do more” song. “Die more….You are not dying enough Pakistan to make us more rich”….. was the message coming from US, NATO, India & their buddy Ghani.
So our extremely-patient establishment like a battered wife of an extremely-violent & abusive husband continued to tolerate the G7s assaults & trauma. Which is obviously a point of concern for anyone who has the slightest affection for Pakistan. Why did our policy makers act like a battered wife willing to stay abused by this homicidal husband? This divorce should have happened a long time ago. But it took 2 decades of haemorrhage & billions of dollars worth of loss of economy for this wife to understand that her husband was sleeping with another mistress for years now & had no interest in reviving any broken vows of this alliance.
And then bang! On 15th August “Kabul” happened. Mistress is kicked out & the husband is at the feet of his estranged wife begging for forgiveness.
Question is not whether the wife should forgive her husband? Concern is that the wife has already forgiven her husband again after years of abuse, adultery & treason. Unconditional forgiveness all while wounds of Kashmir remain open continuously haemorrhaging unchecked.
So again after all the lives lost of brave soldiers in proxies of US/NATO/India/Israel- Pakistan again seems to be rushing to save the butt of those who caused this haemorrhage to happen in the first place & who empowered Delhi to ditch every international resolution on Kashmir.
But here is why this is a bigger problem than previously seen. This time smuggled uranium from Delhi could have already materialised into a nuclear bomb ready to blast on Pakistan’s soil any minute now. If anyone knows how to dismantle this bomb from nuking Pakistan & of its whereabouts in addition to Delhi-it is the G7s. If Pakistan fell for their peanuts as is falling again-we could lose everything for good as G7s walk away with their “saved butts” & India claims all of Kashmir as its trophy.
Chairperson Pakistan Islam Positive League (pakislamparty.org) Friends of Kashmir & Gaza (friendsofkashmirandgaza.org) Free Kissan Free Pakistan (fkfp.pk) Pakistan upbeat strategic hub (push.com.pk) Clinical Faculty Internal Medicine University of Arizona